NEW Nintendo 2DS XL Console, with AC Adapter, Pokeball Edition, Unboxed
NEW Nintendo 3DS XL Console, Monster Hunter Gen Ed., Unboxed
NEW Nintendo 3DS XL Console, Samus Edition Ed, Unboxed
Nintendo 2DS Console, Transparent Red, Unboxed
Nintendo 3DS Console, “Chotto” Toad Ed., Unboxed
Nintendo 3DS Console, Metallic Red, Unboxed
Nintendo 3DS XL Console, Pokemon Red, Unboxed
Nintendo 3DS XL Console, Red, Unboxed
Nintendo 3DS XL Console, Super Smash Bros. Ed., Unboxed
Nintendo 64 Console, Watermelon Red with Expansion Pak, Unboxed
Nintendo 64 Console, Watermelon Red, Unboxed
Nintendo DSi Console, Red, Unboxed
Nintendo DSi XL Console, Red, Unboxed
Nintendo DSi XL Console, Wine Red, Unboxed
Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001 Console, Mario Ed., Unboxed
Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP AGS-001 Console, Metallic Red., Unboxed
Nintendo Game Boy Original Console Clear, Unboxed
Nintendo Game Boy Original Console Manchester United, Unboxed
Nintendo Game Boy Original Console Red, Unboxed
Nintendo Game Boy Pocket Console Clear, Unboxed
Nintendo Game Boy Pocket Console Red, Unboxed
Nintendo Wii Console, Red, Unboxed
Nintendo Wii Console, Red, with WiimotePlus, Unboxed
Nintendo Wii Mini Console, Red, Unboxed