007 Legends, Unboxed (Game Only)
007: Quantum of Solace, Boxed (With Manual)
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa, Boxed (With Manual)
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation, Boxed (With Manual)
Assassin’s Creed [Classics], Boxed (With Manual)
Assassin’s Creed II, Boxed (With Manual)
Assassin’s Creed III (2 Discs), Boxed (With Manual)
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (2 Discs), Boxed (With Manual)
Assassin’s Creed, Boxed (With Manual)
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, Boxed (With Manual)
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, Unboxed (Game Only)
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, Boxed (With Manual)
Assassins Creed Revelations [Special Edition], Boxed
Batman: Arkham Asylum, Boxed (With Manual)
Batman: Arkham City, Boxed (With Manual)
Battlefield 3 (2 Discs), Boxed
Battlefield 3 [Limited Edition Physical Warfare Pack], Boxed (With Manual)
Battlefield 4 (2 Discs), Boxed (With Manual)
Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Boxed (With Manual)
BioShock, Boxed (With Manual)
Borderlands 2, Boxed (With Manual)
Bulletstorm [Epic Edition], Boxed (No Manual)
Call of Duty 3, Boxed (With Manual)
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare [Game of the Year], Boxed (With Manual)
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Boxed (With Manual)